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February 06

The engagement ring

The engagement ring

Falling in love is a beautiful thing, but it is not always easy. Meeting the right person in the midst of all this humanity is a rarity and when it happens it gives incomparable emotions.

We are not talking about the classic lightning strike that can strike, but you can turn it off just as quickly. Nor are we talking about a crush on someone who attracts us very aesthetically, but on an emotional level does not upset us. We speak of a soul mate, of that person who is exactly your half of the apple and who already loves after seeing her for just a moment: you know that it is your person, she who will complete you. But how to understand if what you have before you is really the right person? Your body tells you this, giving you unequivocal signals:

1- Butterflies in the stomach: that feeling of stomach closed, but full at the same time. That sudden heartbeat that does not seem to make you breathe, but gives you air at the same time because every look or word is pure oxygen.

2- You are distracted: the right person makes you lose your head: it becomes difficult to concentrate, the mind flies away, you continually relive moments spent together.

3- You feel understood: if you really are the right person you will know that whenever you need, he or she will be there to support you, help you and advise you. The soul mate supports you and endures you, even when you are so irascible as to become hateful even to yourself.

4- You can be yourself: in love it is difficult to always be what you are deep inside ... If before you there is the right person, all these fears will vanish.

5- Changes in perspective: every problem that until a few days before seemed insurmountable, now appears almost a trivial nonsense. The right person helps you see everything in the right perspective.

6- You trust: suddenly everything seems bright, you have confidence again not only in the human race, but also in yourself. You feel strong and able to overcome every obstacle or difficulty, because next to your person nothing is difficult.

7- Emanate "sweetness": if you have found the right person, your every thought will be a declaration of love understood and shared by your own half.

8- Appreciate silence: there is no need to speak with your love, in one glance all the words that you can not say are contained.

9- You are simply happy: and it is not about that happiness troubled by doubt. You are happy and nothing else.

At this point you just have to seal your promise of eternal love with a precious and symbolic gift: the engagement ring. The love that binds you is the first fundamental element for not making mistakes; after that, following some practical advice could be used to fully achieve the best choice.

- Set yourself a budget so that you do not find yourself in difficulty when choosing.

- Do not ignore the style of your partner: look at the jewelry that usually wears and above all be attentive to the messages that launches you while looking at a shop window!

- Choose the stone also for the meaning that it brings with it.

- Pay attention to certificates: only a trustworthy jewelery is able to guarantee its products.

- Remember that this ring is your pledge of love and must represent your feeling: choose with your heart, you will not be wrong!

Waiting for the moment, you could be transported by the imagination, visiting our e-commerce: www.shop.boitedor.com.

In any case, it will be a success .... there are no women able to remain impassive in the face of a promise of love, especially if signed by Boite d'Or!