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May 03

Laughing is serious

Laughing is serious

Did you know that laughter extends life?

Numerous studies have shown that being positive and laughing can often increase life expectancy by 7/8 years. Concerns, hectic life, stress ... it's always harder to find a good reason to laugh! Yet laughter is serious because it is good for health and triggers beneficial reactions for the body. When we laugh, the heart beats stronger and the blood vessels dilate: the whole vascular system is stimulated. Hilarity also helps dispose of physical stress. Proof? In a stressful situation, has it ever happened to you to explode into hysterical and uncontrollable laughter sometimes to tears? After this inner storm, the body gives way to a pleasant sensation of relaxation, the brain produces endorphins, pleasure hormones, a kind of natural morphine. It is no coincidence that the clowns are present in hospitals and pediatric wards ... and it is no coincidence that they dedicated a world day to him, every first Sunday in May.

For all these reasons, laugh without moderation, so there are no contraindications.

It could help you wear a fire opal, the perfect stone if the bad mood is caused by something you can't express in words and therefore you are holding back inside yourself. The fire opal is one of the most popular opal varieties. A beautiful fiery red color that inspires inner energy. And this is one of its main purposes. Let yourself be amazed by the creations with the fire opal from Boite d’Or, in the stores of Cuneo and Alba, or admire them on our website: www.shop.boitedor.com.